Stories Of India

The Inspiring Journey of Shrikant Pantawane from Auto-Rickshawala to Airline Pilot

Auto Driver

Shrikant Pantawane, a former auto-rickshaw delivery boy who dared to dream beyond societal expectations. His story is a testament to the power of resilience and unwavering passion.

A Modest Beginning in Nagpur

Hailing from a financially constrained family in Nagpur, Shrikant’s dream of becoming a commercial airline pilot seemed unattainable. His father’s role as a security guard provided limited financial support, prompting Shrikant to take up work at an early age. Despite the harsh realities, his love for aviation never wavered.

Navigating Challenges as a Delivery Boy

While pursuing his education, Shrikant embarked on a challenging journey as a delivery boy, using an auto-rickshaw to navigate the streets of Nagpur. Juggling studies and a time-consuming job, he encountered a turning point when he visited the airport for a delivery and witnessed an airline pilot.

Discovering Opportunities

Curiosity led Shrikant to inquire about a pilot scholarship program by the DGCA, India’s aviation regulator. Meeting the program’s requirements opened new possibilities, shattering his previous belief that joining the Air Force was the only path to becoming a pilot.

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Overcoming Turbulence: The Path to Pilot Wings

Academic Hurdles and Language Barrier

Shrikant Pantawane
Indigo Flight – Image Credit ( Reuters )

Shrikant faced academic challenges and the obstacle of mastering English, the primary language of the aviation industry. However, with determination and the support of helpful peers, he overcame these hurdles, fulfilling the prerequisites to pursue his dream.

Triumphs and Setbacks

After two years of rigorous training, Shrikant obtained his commercial pilot’s license (CPL). However, the aviation industry was experiencing a downturn, delaying his entry into the workforce. A brief stint in a corporate office followed, a far cry from his aviation aspirations.

A Steady Ascent: Airbus A320 Type Rating

Shrikant’s perseverance paid off as he completed the Airbus A320 Type Rating, a crucial step toward joining an airline. The aircraft type coincidentally used by airlines like IndiGo, Shrikant’s proficiency shone through during examinations.

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Wings Unfolded: From Dreams to Reality

Months later, IndiGo beckoned, and Shrikant, now a first officer, soared into the skies. His journey, from an underprivileged background in Nagpur to the right-hand seat of an IndiGo aircraft, epitomizes the triumph of dreams against all odds. Shrikant Pantawane’s story continues to inspire, proving that with dedication, dreams can indeed take flight.

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