Stories Of India

A hungry vagrant named Kamala Lochan Baliarsingh goes to bed every night to give food to wandering animals!

Kamala Lochan Baliarsingh, by worldly standards, would fit into the final category of luck and poverty: a pickpocket turned beggar who sleeps on a train platform and subsists on the leftover food from the cafeteria on lucky days. However, you seldom ever meet somebody as affluent and content as he is by human standards! Is it not evident from his radiant, heart-wrenching smile?

Kamala Lochan Baliarsingh’s life has been an unpredictable path filled with many hardships, such as being homeless and being betrayed by a close friend. He endured a lot, yet his passion for animals never wavered.

We will go into Kamala’s narrative in this section of the unsung heroes and examine how he went from being a pickpocket to becoming a ray of hope for homeless canines.

The Early Years of Kamala Lochan Baliarsingh
Kamala Lochan Baliarsingh was not a pickpocket by birth. At the age of sixty, when most people plan to live out their last years in peace, he moved out of his house owing to family conflicts and started living alone. But he made the difficult decision to go out on a perilous trek, going barefoot down a treacherous path.

He frequently bemoaned that his kids never came to see him and that everyone had abandoned him. He used to make 90 rupees a day working for a corporation. But these days, he scavenges for plastic bottles and cleans Orissan train platforms to support himself.

He sometimes doesn’t make a single dime in a day, therefore he goes to bed hungry. On these days, he considers it a lucky day if someone gives him food. He now lives, eats, and sleeps on the streets, making them his permanent home.

In one of his rare interviews, Kamala said that no one comes looking for him. These days, his new home is illuminated by the stars, and the sky acts as a constant ceiling.

Kamala’s Adoration of Dogs

He has adopted seven stray dogs into his family and given them a place to live at his adobe. Kamala always makes sure they have a roof over their heads, even if it means living without himself. He never ignores their needs. He is totally committed to taking care of these pets and making sure that their welfare is the first concern at all times.

A gang of dogs congregate around Kamala at mealtimes every day, anxious to share the remains from his supper. They all gather to feast on the food and get closer over their mutual appreciation of a satisfying meal, which is a wonderful sight. Kamala finds enormous satisfaction in this daily practise, witnessing the dogs’ mutual companionship and enjoyment of their food.

The Influence of Goodwill
Kamala Lochan Baliarsingh’s tale is incredibly heartwarming and inspirational. Even though he was going through difficult times personally, he made the decision to be nice and compassionate to the naughty kids at the road stop.

Even if it meant self-immolating, he went above and beyond to make sure they were well-fed and cared for.

His altruistic effort of compassion has warmed the hearts of many and stands as a testament to the fact that even the smallest deeds of kindness may have a profound impact on someone’s life.

Kamala’s tale demonstrates the strength of the mortal spirit, and his constant devotion to the welfare of his furry musketeers is a brilliant example of what it means to be a doer in life.