An infantile error, a “dare” at 5 years old, deprived him of every one of his appendages. For a long time, from that point onward, Raja was not permitted to get out of his home. Presently, he goes to work ordinary, however, procures well, lives all alone, and is totally independent. As a thankful beneficiary of a grant that assisted him with finishing his examinations in money and MBA, he is presently a provider of grants and furthermore takes part in strategy making. Might anything better at any point delineate the effect made by people with handicaps whenever allowed a portion of an opportunity in our general public?
He is Raja Mahendra Pratap. His companions call him Pratap, Mahendra, or Raja. As we addressed him, the 29-year-old excited youth went around tackling his day-to-day tasks. He brushed his hair, locked his door, and moved towards his office. On the off chance that the lift of any structure is non-useful, he ascends without getting drained or depleted. Whenever he goes across a street or is outside, individuals peep at him. He is genuinely not the same as most of us. He loves to see the astounded essence of individuals and the appearance of appreciation in their eyes. Two of his hands and legs are cut off from his lower legs and knees. This young fellow is ready for business as he functions as a money and records official at ONGC, Ahmedabad. He has concentrated on money and his MBA and brings back home attractive compensation.

Pratap hails from Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. At the point when he was five years of age, a little wager changed his life for eternity. His companion tossed him a test that Pratap couldn’t hold an iron pole into an open electric wire. Pratap brought mental fortitude and held an iron pole in high-voltage electric flow. Within a matter of seconds, power flooded through his whole body. The mishap came about in the removal of legs and hands. From that day until the age of 16, Pratap never moved out of his home. He would remain bound by the four walls of his room. Whenever he recalls that decade of his life, he states:
I would remain in my room. My dad felt humiliated to call me before visitors. He thought of me as a weight and deadbeat

He was unable to go to class from the age of 6 to 16. During those years, he had never gotten out of his home. He was from a working-class family, but to line his garments, a designer would be called at home. Likewise, during disease, a specialist would come to his place and give treatment. His three senior sisters remained by him and supported him a great deal. He gained information by concentrating on their books. Since he was unable to walk, he would creep on the floor, which focused on his skin at the joints. Continuously, he figured out how to walk. Also, with the assistance of his mouth and lower leg, he would attempt to lift things. Presently, he can productively utilize the PC with his mouth and lower leg, compose with the assistance of his jaws, and stroll kneeling down.
Quite a while back, Pratap sat with a shoemaker and made him configure shoes according to his needs. Prior, no shoemaker was prepared to make his shoes until at last one of them concurred. He required two days to make a shoe for him. In Ahmedabad, no shoemaker is ready to make shoes for him. ‘ They are getting compensated for making shoes yet are not prepared to do so. I experience no anguish at whatever point I go over such circumstances,’ says Pratap. He cleared his 10th and 12th without going to class. On the initial occasion, when he got the amazing chance to get out of his home, his satisfaction had no restrictions. There was no thinking back for him. He cleared his B.Com. and finished his money and MBA from Osmania College.
He got a grant from the Delhi-based ‘Public Place for Advancement of Work for Handicapped Individuals”. The grant measure of Rs. 1000 for a year empowered him to finish his course in Money. Today he gives grants to debilitated understudies.
He got a great deal of interview calls while work hunting, yet when the questioners saw him, their disposition changed. No one was ready to accept that he would have the option to complete the work distributed to him. The disposition of society towards him upset him, yet he proceeded with his quest for a task. At long last, he found some work as an assistant at the Public Lodging Bank in Delhi. Pratap’s work changed the mentality of his dad towards him. Right now he fills in as Money and Records Official in ONGC, Ahmedabad. He has the full help of his associates and bosses. In his current as well as past associations, Pratap has consistently gained appreciation and love. The chief of ONGC is extremely content with the effectiveness and responsibility of Pratap. “He never feels off-kilter; he is independent and never neglects to take care of business allocated to him”. He remembers when a structure was to be filled. His partners proposed to help him, but he refused and did it without anyone else’s help.

Illora, a partner of Pratap, was shocked to see the work done by him. Bit by bit individuals started to see his actual capacity and self-discipline. Before long he gained appreciation among every one of his partners and they acknowledged him. Pratap goes all over the planet like a free bird which actually flabbergasts Illora. That’s what she expresses “At whatever point another undertaking is allocated, Pratap leads from the front”. His associates are extremely glad to have him. They have never seen a negative mentality from Pratap. Individuals and society ought to comprehend that recruiting individuals with inability is no wrongdoing or good cause.
He remains at the quarters apportioned to him by the association and accomplishes basically everything without anyone else – whether it’s washing garments, making snacks and so forth. He is as yet unmarried and his family stays in Hyderabad. He is a decent host, he treats his visitors well overall and stays socially associated with his loved ones through telephone. He goes with next to no help with transport, train and plane and appreciates playing carrom and chess. What is unique about Pratap is his quality to chuckle at himself. He grins when somebody calls him as squat or small. He believes himself to be an ordinary individual.
Allot me any work; I can do every one of them. I needn’t bother with the compassion of individuals. Treat me ordinarily, and I will adore it. I wish that individuals and society approach handicapped people with deference and acknowledge them.
Pratap doesn’t feel a feeling of misfortune in his life. He is a harsh youth with a heap of certainty and a solid resolve.
At the point when he met us, it was his birthday. He doesn’t have confidence in commending birthday celebrations. He believes it to be simply one more day, another achievement. He needs to carry on with a free existence as opposed to relying on others. He addressed India at the ‘World Incapacitated Discussion” held in China and Japan.
Exceptional offices are made to make the public spots available to the impeded. They face no separation or impediments. In our country, there is a lack of a deterrent-free climate.

Many individuals, like Pratap, voice their viewpoint that “contrasted with other countries, our country is less incapacitated and well disposed”. Public spots, theatres, transport offices, rail line stations, air terminals, and craftsmanship exhibitions ought not to be a long way from the compass of people with a handicap. He weighs on the requirement for an amicable and open climate for debilitated kids and older individuals. The disposition of individuals and society needs to change towards the handicapped. The general public, rather than regarding and tolerating them, views them as weight.
Individuals like Pratap are called ‘impeded’; however, we shouldn’t fail to remember the way that every individual is disabled in one or another structure. Every single one of us has some physical, close-to-home or mental shortcomings. Individuals whom we call impeded are able in one or alternate manners. They have a decent handle on power and are solid inside. They substantiate themselves on numerous occasions by accomplishing alternate work. To that end, they are currently called in an unexpected way. According to public information, 2.7 crore individuals are impaired, which is actually around 2.21% of the populace. The 1995 Demonstration states security of privileges, an impediment-free climate, equivalent support, and valuable open doors in every one of the areas for people with handicaps. Allow us to regard these precepts.