Stories Of India

Kissa Khaki Ka: This Police constable is improving the lives of poor children

We often come across inspiring stories of people who rose above poverty and achieved incredible success. These individuals refused to accept their predetermined destiny of living in hardship and instead worked tirelessly to improve their circumstances. Some became respected public servants, while others found their calling as entrepreneurs, using their wealth to make a positive impact. Yet, a select few among them stand out for their noble inclination to remember those dwelling in the very poverty-stricken realms they once called home.

One amongst them is Than Singh, a police constable who works for the Delhi Police, who has set up a school for poor and needy children to study.

Escaping Poverty’s Grasp

Amid a poverty-stricken slum, where his parents laboured as clothes ironers, a young child dared to dream of a different life through education. Driven by a desire to attain a decent government job, he aspired to better his circumstances and uplift his fellow slum-dwelling children. Ultimately, his perseverance paid off, leading him to secure a position in the esteemed Delhi Police as a constable.

Than ki Pathshala

Nestled near the majestic Red Fort, a small Sai Baba temple stands as a haven of spirituality. In this temple, Than Singh’s school thrives, a testament to his unwavering determination and resilience.
In 2013, he saw a few children from the slums picking up garbage and rags near Red Fort. People passing by mocked them and clicked their pictures. These little kids picked up the rag to earn 50 bucks a day. He also found out these children eating Gutka.

He realised that improving their lives is necessary as there are slum people who influence them easily. And these children are easily navigated to walk through the wrong paths. Constable wanted to find solutions for them. But it was difficult to enrol these kids on school, as these 7-12-year-old kids didn’t even know to read or write.

So, to fill the lives of these children with glitter, he started a school known as Than Singh ki Pathshala. But this initiative wasn’t easy. Than himself convinced the parents of these kids and assured them that their kids’ lives will take a positive step ahead.

From 4 to 80

In 2015, 4 children joined Than ki Pathshala, today more than 80 children are part of this school. Located in Sai Baba temple near Red Fort, Than Singh and his volunteers eagerly wait for these kids. Many of these kids got admission in government schools, after completing their studies from their pathshala. And a bunch of them are the toppers of their respective classes.

In the pursuit of peace, working for the betterment of these children becomes an unparalleled endeavour. Each step he takes resonates with the potential to bring about profound change, leaving an indelible mark on their futures. Through his actions, Than Singh exemplifies the incredible power of individual compassion and commitment, reminding us that even the smallest gestures can have a monumental impact on the lives of those most in need.

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