Stories Of India

An inspiring account of India’s first triple amputee climbing Mount Elbrus, Russia’s highest mountain: Shekar Goud

Shekar Goud comes from the state of Telangana and has overcome his limitations. He is a living example of never giving up on life and enjoying it to the fullest, regardless of what life throws at us.

Success is defined as falling but rising stronger each time. And Mr. Shekar Goud demonstrated that nothing can stop him from achieving his goals. Not only did he make his state proud, but he made all of us proud. Shekar Goud’s’ special skill’ has impacted many people, including me. Naidhroven designed a ‘Special Scooter’ for disabled people after being rejected by firms due to his disability.

Shekar Goud: A Character Profile

Shekhar Goud of Telangana’s Yadidari district is the first triple amputee to climb Mount Elbrus. Trekking was always his love, and he discovered that it provided him with excitement, happiness, and joy.

He stated that after becoming an amputee, he began focused more on hiking. It makes us so pleased to know that he did not give up and faced problems with a strong heart and a joyful grin. It’s customary to believe that amputees should stay inside. They can’t do anything in life, but Shekar Goud’s successes changed everything.

Shekar Goud believes that if we are confident, dedicated, and have a strong desire for something, we can achieve it. He stated in an interview that he has many plans for the future and is working hard to make his ambitions come true. And everyone at Mad4India wishes him all the best.

Being an Amputee’s Story

Shekar Goud became an amputee at the age of 18 after being electrocuted. It happened on December 24, 2006, when one of his pals perpetrated a practical joke on him. He was sitting on a wall, talking on the phone with a friend, when one of his pals walked over and pushed him out. He clutched a wire to prevent striking his head on the ground, but he was electrocuted as a result. He was asleep when he awoke and found himself in a hospital bed.

He stayed in his village after the accident, but witnessing all of his family members cry made him weak, sad, and angry. He subsequently relocated to Hyderabad and began living alone. He completed his studies to the tenth grade and now works for the Pranaam Hospital.

Shekar’s Life After Amputee

Shekar’s right hand after the shoulder, right foot bottom with toes, and left leg after the knee are severed. As previously said, he never gave up on his passions and aspirations.

By December 2016, he was prepared to travel and cycled solo from Ladakh to Kanyakumari in 48 days. This accomplishment inspired him to pursue other endeavours. He began taking swimming lessons, playing badminton, and running marathons. These are a few of his interests.

The Rise of Shekar Goud

Soon after he began trekking seriously and completed a few treks in India, he embarked on a lengthy journey and completed his first international trek to Mount Everest’s base camp. He experienced a surge of confidence after being there, which convinced him that nothing in life is impossible and that he could accomplish it everything despite his impairment. Following this, he climbed Mount Elbrus in southern Russia, becoming India’s first triple amputee to accomplish it.

Shekar Goud’s Future Plans

While discussing his ambitions, he indicated that his ultimate objective as a trekker is to reach the summit of Mount Everest. He desires to go to every corner of the globe and communicate with individuals from all over the world.

He stated that his life has changed after being an amputee. He wants to start an NGO for individuals like him to give them hope. Every human person, regardless of what they lack, has the ability to live a wonderful life and should confront problems boldly rather than giving up, and this is how his tale becomes a motivational narrative for others.